Sunday, April 6, 2008

Paseo por la Barceloneta

Ha sido una tarde de domingo perfecta. Qué más se puede pedir de una tarde que pasear por las playas de la Barceloneta. El sol, el mar, la gente, esa torre de Babel que es Barcelona. Música en el paseo marítimo junto al chiringuito de la esquina, delicioso de verdad.

Le vamos encontrando el punto a Barcelona. Nos ha costado sus buenos diez meses sin embargo. Al principio todo fueron problemas, conjeturas, pero finalmente hemos logrado establecernos. Ya somos auténticos "barcelonins", encajamos en este ambiente.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Can´t Sleep Tonight

I can´t sleep tonight. Those dogs won´t stop barking. There might be something bothering them. Perhaps they feel a presence we are unable to notice. My grandfather used to say that when dogs haul at night somebody close by is about to die. Dogs are said to feel the presence of death.

There is a much simpler explanation for all that barking. In my opinion city dogs, especially those confined in small apartments, need to release accumulated energy. Their owners won´t take them for a walk as often as dogs need and we, the long-suffering neighbours, have to somehow pay the consequences. Barcelona is packed with a great number of bleeding dogs. At night we put up with their chants and during the day their signs are everywhere. Dog pee and shit are one of Barcelona´s trademarks. As you walk through the streets it is all very close to you. Nobody seems to notice it, we all look somewhere else, but the city of Gaudi should be treated differently. If you want to have a dog go to the country.

A dog is still barking, but I think I can sleep now.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Feels Great here

I feel great here. I suppose because my soul feels at ease. After a long and obscure time living in a cave, I have come to see the light. Barcelona has that invigorating impact on me. It has freedom of spirit.

The place where I used to live simply didn´t have it. A small community of a couple hundred thousand souls can really hold you down. I didn´t see myself pushing a pram about just like the others. I guess I have always had one thing very clear. Life is about feeding the inside. For that I am lot richer now.